Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tagged again!

Last movie seen in a theatre:
Horton Hears a Who. A fantastic animation movie. A must-watch.

Favorite board game:
CAROM! :) I am very famous for my skills at this game. One of my friends even calls me as the ECCP (Emerging Champion Carom Player) muhahahaha…. What’s the spelling of carom? ;)

Favorite magazine:
Business World and Reader’s digest.

Favorite smells:

Sunflowers-Elizabeth Arden. My favorite perfume.

Favorite sound:
Sound of chimes.

Worst feeling in the world:

Do visit my previous post to know about it. That was the last and the worst feeling in the world for me.

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
If it’s a weekday, I crib about going to work. And if it is a weekend, I I’ll crib about the fact that I have to go to work for the approaching 5 full days. So ultimately, it is only 1 reason! : P

Favorite fast food place:
Unless and until there is FOOD in that place, any place is favorite for me. : P

Future child’s name:
Have never thought about it. If I come to a conclusion, I shall put it down here.

Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…”
go to every place in this world :). If possible, will try to visit the other planets too.

Do you drive fast?

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Storms - Cool or Scary?

Do you eat the stems on broccoli?

If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?

Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Chennai, Bombay.

Favorite sports to watch:
Tennis, Football, Cricket (Note: only 20-20)

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
Actually 2 people wanted me to complete this tag.

Ravi: A very calm and composed guy.

Sanjeev: Popular for his intelligence. And of course he is a STAR. :P

What’s under your bed?
Old books.

Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Sure. Why not!?

Morning person or night owl?

Over easy or sunny side up?

I don’t understand this question. So I am skipping it.

Favorite place to relax:
Do you people mind if I say, it is my cubicle at office?? :D

Favorite pie:
Apple pie. (That’s the only one I’ve tasted so far ;) )

Favorite ice cream flavor:

You pass this tag to –
Hari , Annamalai and Swathi.

Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Hari will complete this post tonight. Only on that condition I am passing this tag to him.


Hari G said...

ECCP ah.. enna kadha idhu.. yaaru andha brahmarishi calling you that way!!

Anonymous said...

"Drive fast : Yess "..
Idhu unnoda driving class master ku theriyuma ? :D lol..

"Favorite board game:
CAROM! :) I am very famous for my skills at this game. One of my friends even calls me as the ECCP (Emerging Champion Carom Player) muhahahaha…. What’s the spelling of carom? ;)"..
Actually Swetha the tag did not have a section on the description about the persons we tag.. Else I'd have defly mentioned this ..

Remember tht game where the spectator was tired out watching the game while the player was energetic and enthusiastic :D :P..

P.S : I told you're an ECP (Emerging Carom Player) only. Dont know if someone else has named u as ECCP..rofl.

Signing off is
Shishyam of the one and only DHADHA of INFOSYS :D :)..